Saturday, February 7, 2009

How to Save Money On: Textbooks

Textbooks are a huge money guzzler in college and I know this because the reail value of my books for this semester was upwards of $700 dollars! You know that I am into saving money and thus did not even think of paying that. I ended up paying just over $200 for my books. And I am going to tell you how you can too!
  1. Buy Used. I am sure that most of you know this already but never buy a book new when you can buy it used. A used book is the exact same as the new one save for some scratches, highlighting, etc. You should be able to find used textbooks at your local bookstores but remember to get on that fast because used books sell out first!
  2. Ask Around. I have gotten books for free just because my friend/roommate/anyone else I knew had the book from a previous semester and never sold it back. If you are absolutely overcome by the fact that you didn't have to pay for this book you are borrowing/being given offer to pay the person a little for it. Maybe? I am taking a lot of the same courses that my cousin has already taken (and he saved some of his books) so I always ask before I buy. Even ask friends at other universities, sometimes the books are the same!
  3. Go Online. I believe that this is my best tip because I find the best deals online. It almost amazes me how many people do not realize this. My roommates will buy books costing $600 all from the local bookstore when they could shop around online and save around 75%! My favorite places are amazon and ebay. I seriously find used books on these sites (more so amazon than ebay though) that cost 90% less than the used books at my bookstores. I bought an accounting book online that cost me $25 that used in the bookstore would have cost me $135! Crazy, right!? All I am saying is shop around and it will be worth your while!

Sometimes there are book requirements that you just cannot get for lower prices though. Sometimes like when a teacher wants a specific university edition, etc. In those times I would use the ask around method and if that is a no go try to find it used. When those two are a no-go I just have to suck it up and buy it (or not buy it...).

So those are the methods that have been saving me money on my textbooks in college!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to Save Money On: Alcohol

Saving Money in College by Saving Money on Alcohol

Okay, so I chose to write about this because even though I do not drink, alcohol is a major money eater in college. My first tip would be to just not drink of course but I know that for some of you that just wouldn't fly so here are a few tips that I have gathered that may help you reduce your alcohol spending - key words, go cheap!

  1. My favorite and probably the cheapest of all - go to other people's parties. It's simple really, they buy the alcohol and spend their money while you drink the alcohol and spend none of yours :)
  2. Buy it on the cheap. Whenever you go to the store to buy wine or beer always look for the stuff that is cheap - they do make it. Think Boone's Farm and Pabst Blue Ribbon.
  3. If you like wine go to a winery. I recently toured a local winery and at the end of the tour they had wine to buy for $3! That is no lie. I am sure it is not always so discounted at other wineries but it is worth a trip.
  4. Be saavy about alcohol at Restaurants/bars. Restaurants are a no go for alcohol in my book just because the mark up for alcohol is crazy ridiculous. Next time you are out - look at the menu (if you haven't already). As for bars, they aren't so bad but in the interest of saving money look up what nights they are having specials and hit it up then.
  5. For you extreme devotees you can try brewing your own stuff! You can brew cheap wine and cheap beer at home - I understand it can be difficult but it might be a fun project.

So there you have it! You now have ideas so you can save money on alcohol!

Coupon Codes

How does free shipping at your favorite online retailer sound? How about actual dollar reductions that increase the more you spend? For ways to get this, read on!

So, this is basically another edition of the coupon post only this pertains to online stuff - with coupon codes.

Very rarely will I buy anything at retail price, especially online! There are so many ways to save money on the web that it is ridiculous. If you are needing an item chances are that the same item is being sold at numerous places - so if there is not a coupon code for one of the places chances are that there will be a coupon code for at least one of the other places.

My absolute favorite place to snag coupon codes is Retail Me Not. This site is wonderful because it organizes the coupons by store or website. Simply go to the site and type in the place that you are wanting to find a coupon for and tada! you've got savings.

As a college student this site is my best friend while shopping online (and I am indeed an avid shopper) becuase it saves me tons of money. Please check it out, you will not be disappointed!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


This may be something that seems like a no-brainer to some college kids but really, coupons. This is one of your best friends whenever you are trying to save money in college. I say this because up until I got into college I had never really used coupons much less actually scour the newspaper for them.

The first experience with coupons was when I worked at a grocery store. I saw some people come through my checkout line with $150 worth of groceries and only pay a bill of $70. Crazy huh? This is all do to the coupon magic!

My favorite place to find coupons is in the newspaper of course but there are a number of places online that you can print them out (if you want to spend the money on printer ink!). Regaurdless of my opinions here are some coupon sites:


My Favorite strategy: I make a list of what I need before ever looking at coupons otherwise I get too easily enticed into getting a coupon for something I don't need "because it's on sale!" After my list is done THEN I look for coupons and I read them carefully as to avoid the irritated scenario at the register when the coupon is actually for the larger/smaller/different brand version.

Pitfall to avoid: DO NOT just buy something because you have a coupon, that is just silly. That will NOT save you money but will actually help you waist it.

And there you have it! Your first lesson in saving money in college.

How To Save Money in College

Hi and welcome to how to Save Money in College. I am currently a college student and therefore I know how tight money can be and how much of a challenge it is to save it. I feel like I have had experience in saving money and sticking to my college budget and I am now passing along all these tips to all the other college kids out there! Good luck :)